Last Thursday, the bank i'm currently work with right now, organized a so called surprise fire drill. hahaha. (tak de lah surprise sgt pun pd aku, sbb my lady boss ade msg kata confirm the fire drill is thursday, please wear flat shoes). Basically, i'm very well prepared with my slipper on (the whole last week i wore slipper, even to meetings), and a small paper bag, contains my cash, ATM cards, ASB book, payung, sbb aku mmg dah pasang niat, masa fire drill ni nnt, pas dah bagi nama kat floor warden, aku nak merewang kejap ke bank utk masuk ASB. Since first gaji aku baru je masuk smlm (klo first mth mmg masuk hujung bulan, tapi klo subsequent mths confirm masuk 25hb), so seperti biasa rutin setiap bulan, mesti masuk ASB, mmg tak bleh miss, klo miss sebulan, rasa bersalah pada diri sendiri. hahaha.
Masa fire drill session tu, i had a meeting @ 21st floor. Masa tu mmg dah tau, coz my floor warden went out from the meeting, while me and my colleagues dah siap sedia pack sume barang siap2. Pastu kitorg gelak2 perlahan2, sbb tak sabar2 nak fire drill. Masa tu jam menunjukkan pukul 3.10pm. As soon as the alarm rang, cepat2 turun tangga from 21st Floor to Ground Floor! Reported myself to the floor warden, and straight away settle off my personal things. Bile dah pegi tpt assembly tu semula, tgk all my colleagues dah naik atas, aku pun ape lagi terus naik atas, guna jalan ke banking hall utk ke lift. On the way nak ke banking hall tu, i manage to capture this 2 pics. =P
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