Daisypath Wedding tickers

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Streamyx is Down!

The streamyx at my home is still down from thursday morning until today (time2 sblm aku gi keje tu, mmg aku akan online skjp). Akan tetapi, tak tau lah bile org streamyx ni nak datang repair. katanye hari ni. Right now, i'm at CC, sangap gile aku rasa bile takde internet connection. =D
This kind of cases, dah terjadi byk kali dah kat streamyx umah aku, setiap bulan mesti ade sekali yang dorg putuskan our connection to the net. Bangang tull dorg ni. Kemungkinan besar, dorg nak sekat penggunaan unlimited yang kitorg guna tu. So, dorg pun saje je sesuka hati, buat2 kan rosak the internet line from their side. Bloody hell! People pay for unlimited usage, just let people use it la, no matter how high is the usage la. Bukannye org tak bayar bill pun. Buat org hangen je tau.
Will update the blog more when the Streamyx is back to normal. =)


Mrs. Amie said...

streamyx mmg cmnie la.. meluat! i pun sama tak boleh guna dh tak tahu asal... cis..

Aku said...

tu lah streamyx ni. dorg saje je nak sekat2 penggunaan kite. hahaha. tu yang buat2 down la ape la, sesuka hati jek. hish!