Daisypath Wedding tickers

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pizza Milano and Transformers @ KLCC

Apa agenda kitorg minggu ni? Kitorg dah lama sangat tak tgk movie, and kebetulan movie yang ditunggu-tunggu dah mula ditayangkan, apa lagi kalau bukan Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen! Disebabkan movie ni mmg hits, so kene lah beli tiket awal2. Hari Selasa pagi, aku msg my ex colleague kat Maxis, mintak tolong belikan dua tix for this movie. I already told her, our criteria on the sits, and we chose to have it either on Friday 10.30/11pm or Saturday nite. Luckily masa pegi tu ade lagi ticket, cuma tak banyak pilihan sit je. She bought our tickets, thanks a bunch LooLoo. =)

So when the day comes, Friday nite, kitorg blum dinner lagi, terus lah ke Signatures foodcourt, makan dinner spaghetti. Nyum Nyum! Masa tu dah kol 9.40, lepas dah merewang ke Zara jap, terus berpusu ke foodcourt. Aku had Olio Seafood and Dia had Marinara Seafood. Ice Lemon Tea as our drinks. Sangatlah yummeeeeeyyyyyhhhhh.
10.15pm terus ke TGV, waiting for greenlight to enter the cinema. Masa tu dah ramai gile manusia. Kol 10.30pm baru dorg bagi masuk, the movie starts at almost 11pm and ended at 1.20am. The show was awesome (tp byk jugak scene yang di cut2) and planning to buy a DVD or even download the movie to watch it again and again (yang pure and takde scene cutting). Yes, we have the whole series of Transformers Movie in our collection.

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