Daisypath Wedding tickers

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8 more months to go! Sweats are all over!

8 more months to go. The clock is ticking fast. Shittttt! Sungguh menyeramkan. Bulan 2 yang lepas, baru lah aku menggerakkan jentera bersama dia utk survey and get some quotations from potential vendors of which we might be hiring for our solemnization and wedding reception (Rasa mcm nak tunda kawen pun ade, stress punye pasal).

During this month, both of us need to finalize the most important vendors (kene pk masak2 supaya tak menyesal bile dah buat keputusan muktamad and paid the deposit nnt), such as pelamin and deco dewan, gubahan hantaran, photographer, videographer, canopy, make up artist, and baju. Mcm benda2 yg aku sebutkan ni, my dad suruh i survey, he said he tak mampu nak buat sume benda seorg, sbbnye my mom is a little unwell and he needs to take care of my mom while my mom is at home. Catering i pass it to my parents to handle.

Solemnization and Wedding Venue: Hall (Booked and paid the deposit in May 2009).

Pelamin and Deco Dewan: Still surveying, i.e ArmaWeddingCouture, Kak Aida Debunga Gallery, Lynda Rahim, AriWeddingCouture, RassWeddings, RinsSuzana. Yang ni mmg tahap pening nak pecah kepala pikir. This part lah yang paling stress dlm byk2 yg berkaitan ngan wedding vendors ni. Keputusan muktamad harus la dibuat dlm bulan ini juga, klo boleh before 3rd week of March ni, bukannye ape, takut vendors2 ni dibook oleh bakal2 pengantin lain plak, dah melepas kitorg berdua.

Photographer: Dah survey mcm2, ie Avicenna, MyShots, GreenApple, RupaJiwa, JanggutTouch, and few others thru email. And rasa2nya kitorg mcm dah decide utk hire this potential photographer. Appointment dah pun dibuat, utk ketemu mereka this Saturday 06March2010. If mr fiance okayy dgn portfolio mereka, we'll proceed with the bookings. (Malas dah nak pikir, settle cepat lagi bagus, tak pening kepala.)

Videographer: MyShots, CST Production and etc. Tapi yang dah pegi jumpe is only CST, jumpe dgn En. Rosli, a nice man, and my fiance like the way he treats and layan customer. Yang MyShots, we tau their quotation thru email. Yang ni pun kitorg macam dah decide nak amik sape, tp belum depo je lagi. And still thinking whether to take only for solemnization or both. Kopak2. =(

Canopy: NSJ Event. Disebabkan aku mmg dah berangan2 lama dah nak canopy transparent tu since my engagement last year, tp hasrat itu tak kesampaian, sbb canopy camtu sesuai pakai malam je. By hook or by crook, harus aku dapatkannye for my wedding. Last year's plan, initially nak buat nikah kat rumah, tp tetiba bulan 1 haritu, my parents tetiba kata tak nak buat nikah kat umah (nasib aku bijak, aku book the hall for two days straight, hehehe). Aku dgn perasaan geram, tp tetap tak berputus asa, terus call NSJ Event ni, aku kata aku nak khemah satu yg transparent sekali dgn deco fairy lights and garden balls, i nak nikah bawah tu, hahaha. Gile kan? Sbb awal bulan 2, i ade mintak quotation utk 2 canopy transparent, 2 yang biasa utk kat umah. Pastu alih2 terpaksa tukar plan, nak 1 canopy transparent plus deco, platform and carpet. Kelakar plak dalam dewan ade canopy 20X20 transparent, tp aku peduli ape, dah aku yang nak sgt kan, lagipun duit kite sendiri. kekeke. Dah jumpe dorg and quotation pun dah dapat. Deposit je belum buat lg.

MakeUp Artist: Ayang Kamell (nikah) and Amy Janz (sanding). Deposit paid for both make up artist. Alhamdulillah, lega bab yang ni dah settle. Tak payah runsing2 lagi dah nak pk amik sape. BTW, this two makeup artist is recommended by my model friend. Thanks darlin'.

Baju: Tak sure lagi nak buat dgn siapa. Mungkin dgn Syomir Izwa, Syahrir Nurdin, RinsSuzana, ataupun tailor biasa je, klo dah malas nak pk sangat. hahaha.

Gubahan Hantaran: Amik yang sama mcm engagement dulu tu kot. Coz she's my dad's friend daughter in law. Punye lah keciknye dunia ni, we got to know about this pun, masa dia datang rumah buat sume gubahan2 tu for my engagement, bile berborak2 terbukalah citer.

Catering: InsyaAllah, we'll be meeting the caterer this Saturday to bincang2 the menu and the quotation. My mom and dad kata sedap caterer ni masak, ntah dorg pegi wedding sape and rasa masakan this caterer. Wallahualam, i tak pernah rasa. Apapun, i percaya my parents nye taste buds. Jamuan makan masa kenduri kawin biar sedap.

Itu sahaja update buat masa ini. If kitorg ade masa lagi, kitorg akan update k. tata.

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