Daisypath Wedding tickers

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Another 5 Vendors to meet!

Another 3 Vendors to meet this week for pelamin and decorations. Thank GOD, lepas2 ni dah takde dah nak survey2 lagi utk the main part of the wedding ceremony ni. Actually, dah malas rasanya nak jumpe2 vendors ni, tp utk memuaskan hati and supaya tak menyesal bile dah buat booking fees kan, alih2 ade lagi vendors yg kite tak betul2 survey and tanye their quotations. Basically all are in Klang Valley.

04Mar2010 (Thursday) - Pelamin and Decorations

06Mar2010 (Saturday) - Photographer, Catering, Pelamin and Decorations

07Mar2010 (Sunday) - Pelamin and Decorations

Penat betul kan aktiviti survey menyurvey ni kan, if online je tak pe lah, ni nak kene pi jumpe dorg during weekdays after work, tu yang betul2 memenatkan tu. Sigh. Betul2 memerlukan pengorbanan masa, tenaga dan wang ringgit.

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