Agenda for today is to file our tax @ LHDN. Bare in mind, this weekend (25 and 26 March 2009) LHDN bukak ye but the operational hours for the branches varies. Mcm cawangan yang kitorg nak pegi jap lagi, buka dr 8pg sampai 8mlm. Do call their customer service for more details! LHDN Hotline: 1300-88-3010.
We're gonna backdate 2 yrs income tax to file today (since 2006-2007). Agak2 kene penalty tak eh? =P Ingatkan 2 yrs back nye income tak taxable, rupanya when aku call LHDN the other day, the officer cakap when co' dah bukak satu file utk kite, means kite kene buat tax declaration? Is that true? Owhhh no! Seriously to be truth, gue mmg nggak tau. Bukan sengaja tak nak declare, file and bayar tax k.
So, we both decided to spend some time, to learn on how to do tax filing today. Dia since late 2007 dah kene decuct tax monthly, tp sbb malas nak buat filing last yr, coz taxable income kene masa dah nak akhir2 tahun, tu yang dia buat dunno je. Aku since 2008 baru kene deduct tax monthly, kiranye selamat lagi lah kan.
We're gonna backdate 2 yrs income tax to file today (since 2006-2007). Agak2 kene penalty tak eh? =P Ingatkan 2 yrs back nye income tak taxable, rupanya when aku call LHDN the other day, the officer cakap when co' dah bukak satu file utk kite, means kite kene buat tax declaration? Is that true? Owhhh no! Seriously to be truth, gue mmg nggak tau. Bukan sengaja tak nak declare, file and bayar tax k.
So, we both decided to spend some time, to learn on how to do tax filing today. Dia since late 2007 dah kene decuct tax monthly, tp sbb malas nak buat filing last yr, coz taxable income kene masa dah nak akhir2 tahun, tu yang dia buat dunno je. Aku since 2008 baru kene deduct tax monthly, kiranye selamat lagi lah kan.
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