Daisypath Wedding tickers

Sunday, April 26, 2009

TAX Filed > Waiting for the REFUND!


Yesterday, we successfully filed our 2008 tax using E-Filing @ LHDN Wangsa Maju and guess what, we will get some refund from the excess tax deduction in a month time! (Bleh percaya ke dorg buat keje secepat itu? We're just wondering? =P). Although, it's not that much to some people, but we're still grateful. Alhamdulillah. AkudanDia are waiting for a refund, an amount of RM300 and RM500 respectively. =)

Even this is our first time, we filed our tax, we definitely think that E-Filing is much more convenient, since the calculation is computed automatically after we keyed in the input, where as manual, u've to do all calculations in the form, tgk form pun dah pening, baca pun tak paham sangat, inikan nak isi satu2, hahaha. Itu yang we both patah semangat nak buat tax filing for 2006 and 2007. Menyesal gile tak buat e-filing since 2 yrs back. Nampak gayanye nak tak nak, kene jugak isi manually, drpd kene penalti di masa2 mendatang oleh pegawai LHDN, baik buat je kan. Mana tau last 2 yrs nye filing pun leh dapat refund lagi, provided if there's excess in tax deduction lah kan. =P

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