Tomorrow is the 'fire drill' day for the bank i'm working with right now! (aku dah agak dah esok, sbb the warden for our level asyik meeting je pasal this fire drill event). Cuba2 korek kat warden, dorg takmau bgtau, sangat simpan rahsia, benci! I know, it's supposed to be P&C event, but my lady boss msg-ed us (me and my colleagues) just now that the fire drill is confirmed to be held tomorrow, and she has reminded us to wear a flat shoes. BTW, i'm just gonna wear a slipper (dah ade kat ofis dah pun, saje letak awal2) from 26th floor to the ground where we suppose to gather! I'm pretty sure, half day gone due to fire drill. =P
Dah la ade meeting the whole day esok, will the morning to lunch time meeting postpone to late evening? I hope not! I wanna get back home as sharp as possible. hahaha. Ye laaa, kan hari jumaat cuti labor day, so mesti lah sangat excited nak balik awal esok!
Dah la ade meeting the whole day esok, will the morning to lunch time meeting postpone to late evening? I hope not! I wanna get back home as sharp as possible. hahaha. Ye laaa, kan hari jumaat cuti labor day, so mesti lah sangat excited nak balik awal esok!
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