Daisypath Wedding tickers

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Day We Went to Maxis, KLCC

Few weeks back, we went to Maxis Centre in KLCC. Aku to return her Maxis Broadband (sbb dia's house dah ade Streamyx), while Dia changed his Maxis RatePlan from Value 50 to Value First. Aku pakai Maxis Broadband pun sbb it's covered under Maxis Employee Plan, if not tak kuasanye nak byr monthly pakai duit sendiri. Extend the usage of this broadband (about 20days after my last day as Maxis Employee) sementara tunggu Telekom pasang telefon, and dia fix sendiri his Streamyx in a box.
Aku pun sempat jumpe HR jap, sementara tunggu dia sampai from Jamek (to take my payslip, EA Form, confirmation letter on my resignation, lg ape ntah that person bg, aku pun dah lupa).
Bye Bye Maxis Broadband! Terima kasih atas khidmat anda selama 2 tahun ini. Kami amat menghargainye, especially aku la, sbb aku kan Maxis Employee =P

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