Daisypath Wedding tickers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gotten Our Bride and Groom Tees

Yeaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy. We've gotten our bride and groom tees todayyyy! So happy to see those tees. Can't wait to wear them in 5 months down the road. We've gotten two pairs of it, white and black. Hehehe. It's just so lovely. The XS size is just so perfect for the bride, but not sure for the groom, the M size, hopefully it fits him well too (tgk mcm okay je), sbb hari tu tawakkal je pick the size wpun dah measure with our tees. =)
P/S: Tak sabar nak order tees yang lain. =P

1 comment:

nn said...

sweet! dah bercita2 dah nak buat cenggini jugak nanti. tapi calon tak de lagi. hahaha