Daisypath Wedding tickers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Syahrir Nurdin or Syomir Izwa

5 more months to go and yet we haven't meet any designers! Org lain sume tempah 6 bulan sblm wedding. Hehehe. Planning to go this coming weekend, tp macam sibuk sket nak settle byk hal. Next week tak boleh coz ada di antara kami ade team building. So, the weekend yang 22nd May tu baru lah ingat nak jumpe the above 2 designers. Agak2 sempat ke tak eh within 4 months and a half dorg siapkan 2 pasang baju ni eh? Cuak and risau pun ade gak skrg ni, sbb tak tempah2 baju lagi. Takut dorg dah tak mo terima or charge mahal gila kan. Masakkk! Esok nak call these designers for appointment on 22/5/2010. Hopefully their schedule can slot us in. =P

1 comment:

kakak0kie said...

dear, bole x buat review utk both designer nanti..pros n cons + price..tq so much dear